Mr. Sudhakar Evani, in his 35 years of experience has held different positions in organisations across various sectors and functions. He is one of the Founding Members of SCC. Across his long career, he has held various assignments. Some of his notable achievements are as follows:
- As an Executive Director- Restructured the Governance Mechanism for LANCO Group by strengthening the Audit Framework , Legal & Contract Management Cell, establishing a Document Management System and Compliance Management System , Conducting Secretarial Audits and Techno Commercial Audits
- Aligned, SAP and SOPs with the LANCO Group Policies to establish Effective Controls alongside ensuring Efficient Resource Management in Procurement, HR, Stores and O&M and Developed SOP for all Business Processes of Power Trading
- Re-Structured Long-Term Power Purchase Agreements with M/s Abhijit Group to safeguard Lanco Power Trading from a possible liability of a minimum of INR 540 Cr.
- As a Company Secretary in HBL Power systems Ltd – Instrumental in Rights Issue and Project Finance for Capacity Expansion, FIPB Clearance for their JV Operations and in Unique Structures and Towers Limited managed the OTC issue
- As a Management Consultant instrumental in developing ABC Systems in Steel Units, Cost Records Maintenance in Textile Units, Management Audit of a Regional Newspaper, setting up Insurance departments in various Companies.
- As an Insurance Officer handled the Accounts, Underwriting and Claims Portfolio of the Divisional Office.